About the Center


National Taipei University is an institution of higher education that nurtures the core of society, cultivating in its students the spirit of "pursuing the truth and serving the people", actively contributing to the economic and social development of the country, assuming social responsibility, and exerting influence on the international community, government, society, and the public. The University has a competitive advantage in the fields of law, business and public affairs, and its outstanding alumni are located in the middle and upper level of industry, government and academia. Facing competitions in higher education and the globalization of academic exchange, the University continues to deepen its strengths and focus on sustainable development, with the aim of enhancing its international impact and moving towards a top-tier university.


In view of the fact that global environmental change and sustainable development are currently important issues of global concern, and that our faculties have been teaching and conducting research on these issues, the University has established the school-level research centers, Center for Global Change and Sustainability Science since 2012. Through the participation of faculty and researchers in related fields, we hope to promote the strategic initiatives of the University in the fields of sustainable development (economic, environmental, and social aspects) and climate change, enhance intra-university and inter-university collaborations to build communities, establish and integrate inter-university and inter-departmental curricula and programs, promote industrial, governmental and academia research projects, bring in alumni resources, and establish international academic networks. We look forward to enhancing the University's substantial impact on university sustainability by bringing our teaching and research in the field of sustainable development into line with international standards,  providing remarkable policy implications for industrial and governmental studies.


The purpose of the Center is to "promote interdisciplinary research on global environmental change and sustainable development actively, integrate research resources, nurture relevant research talents and provide social services, and promote international academic cooperation and exchange." The Center has a Director and a Chief Executive Officer, and different research groups according to their functions, with a convenor and several researchers in each group.